CES 2012: Robotul care merge pe bicicleta fara sa-si piarda echilibrul si un Optimus Prime politicos
Inventiile tehnologice de la CES 2012 nu se limiteaza la gadgeturi, ci merg si spre sectorul roboticii. Doua companii asiatice au prezentat doi roboti foarte avansati.
Dezvoltat de Murata Manufacturing Co., Murata Boy este un robot humanoid care este capabil sa mearga pe bicicleta. Nu are unelte ajutatoare sau alte puncte de sprijin in afara de cele doua roti. Cu toate acestea, robotul isi mentine un echilibru perfect in timp ce merge pe bicicleta inainte sau inapoi.
Inventia a aparut la CES alaturi de Murata Girl. "Fata" stie insa sa mearga pe uniciclu, roseste si isi inclica capul.
La cateva standuri departare cei de la TP-Link au prezentat robotul dansator. Un colos de peste 2 metri inaltime, care este foarte prietenos, politicos si saluta pe toata lumea din preajma sa. Cand "aude" muzica in preajma, incepe sa danseze.
Material preluat de pe stirileprotv.ro
CES 2012: The robot who cycle without losing balance and a polite Optimus Prime
CES 2012 technology inventions are not limited to gadgets, but goes to robotics sector also. Two Asian companies have presented two very advanced robots.
Murata Manufacturing Co. developed., Humanoid robot Murata Boy is one that is able to ride a bike. It has helpful tools and other points of support outside of the two wheels. However, the robot maintains a perfect balance while riding the bike forward or backward.
The invention came to CES with Murata Girl. "Girl" known but to go on uniciclu, blushes and covered their heads.
A few stands away from the TP-Link has introduced the robot dancer. A colossus of over 2 meters high, which is very friendly, polite and greet everyone around him. When you "hear" music around, starts to dance.
Material taken from stirileprotv.ro
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