duminică, 22 ianuarie 2012
Quad-Core Phones
One of the big mobile buzzwords of 2011 was “dual-core.” Dual-core processors became the standard for smartphones. In 2012 it will be all about quad-core.
Nvidia was the first to bring dual-core processing to mobile with the LG Optimus 2X, which debuted at the beginning of this year with the Tegra 2 chip. Nvidia is blazing the multicore trail again with the release of the Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime TF201 tablet. The Transformer Prime is the first device to ship with Nvidia's 1.3-GHz Tegra 3 quad-core processor. For now, it’s the only quad-core device on the market. The Transformer earned high praise from us for its stunning graphics and zippy performance.
Manufacturers are keeping mum about when we’ll see quad-core phones, however. Nvidia has said it is working with a number of device makers on Tegra 3-powered phones, but can’t reveal who they are due to nondisclosure agreements. Quad-core phones are “on track,” however, for 2012's first quarter.
Samsung’s phones and tablets have used both Snapdragon and Tegra chipsets, but the manufacturer’s semiconductor division is hard at work on the next generation of its own Exynos line of systems-on-a-chip. The next one, the Exynos 5250, isn’t quad-core, however; it is a dual-core ARM Cortex-A15 processor. Like TI, Samsung seems to be confident that the Exynos 5250 can produce benchmarks and performance competitive with a quad-core processor.
The information above was taken from "pcworld" website.
Sony KDL32EX720BAEP ofera imagini Full HD clare pentru TV, filme si jocuri in 2D si 3D. Pregatiti-va pentru cel mai bun continut de pe Web si apeluri Skype™ gratuite. Puteti chiar sa economisiti energie si sa va faceti viata mai usoara cu functiile inteligente.
Beneficiati de calitate Full HD realista in 2D si 3D. Obtineti o perspectiva fluida asupra evenimentelor sportive si filmelor cu actiune rapida cu Motionflow XR 200. Bucurati-va de o imagine cu contrast ridicat pe un ecran LED subtire. Fiecare pixel al imaginii dvs. 2D si 3D este imbunatatit cu tehnologia noastra unica de imagine.
Efectuati apeluri video gratuite, in detalii clare pe televizorul dvs., cu Skype. Inregistrati emisiunea pe care este posibil sa o pierdeti direct pe hard disk prin USB. Puteti chiar lega un smartphone la televizorul dvs. pentru a afla detalii despre programul TV pe care il urmariti.
Televizoarele 3D BRAVIA functioneaza prin utilizarea unui transmitator infrarosu care trimite imagini catre ochelarii Active Shutter. Intensitatea ridicata a semnalului infrarosu de la un televizor 3D Sony va permite sa vizionati dintr-un unghi larg. Nu este nevoie sa va certati cine sa stea in fata televizorului sau sa stati inghesuiti pentru a va cufunda in experienta 3D.
Verificati pretul pentru TV Sony 3D
SQL Server on multicore processor
Before you install SQL Server 2005, temporarily change the number of logical processors to one. This makes the computer appear to be a single-processor system, and SQL Server 2005 is installed successfully. To do this, follow these steps:
Windows Server 2003
To change the number of logical processors in Windows Server 2003, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type msconfig, and then click OK.
In the System Configuration Utility dialog box, click the BOOT.INI tab.
On the BOOT.INI tab, click Advanced Options.
In the BOOT.INI Advanced Options dialog box, click to select the /NUMPROC= check box.
In the list that is next to the /NUMPROC= check box, click 1, and then click OK.
In the System Configuration Utility dialog box, click OK.
Restart the server.
Install SQL Server 2005.
Install the latest service pack for SQL Server 2005.
Restart the server by using all the processors. To do this, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type msconfig, and then click OK.
In the System Configuration Utility dialog box, click the General tab.
On the General tab, click Normal Startup - load all device drivers and services, and then click OK.
Restart the server.
Windows Server 2008
To change the number of logical processors in Windows Server 2008, follow these steps::
Click Start, click Run, type msconfig, and then click OK.
In the System Configuration dialog box, click the Boot tab.
On the Boot tab, click Advanced options.
In the BOOT Advanced Options dialog box, click to select the Number of processors check box.
Under the Number of processors check box, click 1, and then click OK.
In the System Configuration dialog box, click OK.
Restart the server.
Install SQL Server 2005.
Install the latest service pack for SQL Server 2005.
Note You must install SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 (SP2) or a later service pack on Windows Server 2008.
Restart the server by using all the processors. To do this, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type msconfig, and then click OK.
In the System Configuration dialog box, click the General tab.
On the General tab, click Normal startup, and then click OK.
Restart the server.
Windows Server 2003
To change the number of logical processors in Windows Server 2003, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type msconfig, and then click OK.
In the System Configuration Utility dialog box, click the BOOT.INI tab.
On the BOOT.INI tab, click Advanced Options.
In the BOOT.INI Advanced Options dialog box, click to select the /NUMPROC= check box.
In the list that is next to the /NUMPROC= check box, click 1, and then click OK.
In the System Configuration Utility dialog box, click OK.
Restart the server.
Install SQL Server 2005.
Install the latest service pack for SQL Server 2005.
Restart the server by using all the processors. To do this, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type msconfig, and then click OK.
In the System Configuration Utility dialog box, click the General tab.
On the General tab, click Normal Startup - load all device drivers and services, and then click OK.
Restart the server.
Windows Server 2008
To change the number of logical processors in Windows Server 2008, follow these steps::
Click Start, click Run, type msconfig, and then click OK.
In the System Configuration dialog box, click the Boot tab.
On the Boot tab, click Advanced options.
In the BOOT Advanced Options dialog box, click to select the Number of processors check box.
Under the Number of processors check box, click 1, and then click OK.
In the System Configuration dialog box, click OK.
Restart the server.
Install SQL Server 2005.
Install the latest service pack for SQL Server 2005.
Note You must install SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 (SP2) or a later service pack on Windows Server 2008.
Restart the server by using all the processors. To do this, follow these steps:
Click Start, click Run, type msconfig, and then click OK.
In the System Configuration dialog box, click the General tab.
On the General tab, click Normal startup, and then click OK.
Restart the server.
vineri, 20 ianuarie 2012
Galaxy Tab™ 10.1
How to Check for Software Updates
To receive notifications regarding software updates, you'll need to set up a Samsung account on your device. This will allow us to notify you of an update on your device when an update is available.
Wirelessly stream your movies, music and photos from your tablet to your Smart TV, PC and to other DLNA Certified® devices.* Samsung AllShare seamlessly puts your music, memories and videos in harmony.
DivX Certified
To enjoy high-quality DivX video, no file conversion needed, consumers can load their video libraries in the DivX format and then watch their movies anywhere they want.
Zoom Capability for Fixed-Sized Apps
Android 3.2 introduces a new compatibility zoom mode that gives users a new way to view fixed-sized apps on larger devices. The new mode provides a pixel-scaled alternative to the standard UI stretching for apps that are not designed/optimized for tablets. The new mode is accessible to users from a menu icon in the system bar, for apps that need compatibility support.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Wi-Fi only) software update is available over the air. Your already powerful Galaxy Tab will get even better—here’s a look at the new features and enhancements available with the upgrade to Android 3.2. Don't forget to check back for information on the latest software updates.
joi, 19 ianuarie 2012
Apple "Education Announcement"
The Loop reports that Apple has sent out media invitations for an "education announcement" to be made at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City on Thursday, January 19.
Word of the event first surfaced last week, and sources have indicated that the announcement will relate to publishing, with digital textbooks perhaps playing a major role.
The New York Times confirms that the event will focus on digital textbooks and that no new hardware will be introduced.
iPhone 4S
Apple announced that iPhone 4S will be available in China and 21 additional countries on Friday, January 13. iPhone 4S features Apple’s dual-core A5 chip for fast performance and stunning graphics; an all-new 8-megapixel camera with advanced optics; full 1080p HD-resolution video recording; and Siri, an intelligent assistant that helps you get things done just by asking. “Customer response to our products in China has been off the charts,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “With the launch in China next week, iPhone 4S will be available in over 90 countries, making this our fastest iPhone roll out ever.”
Siri. The intelligent assistant that helps you get things done. All you have to do is ask.
Now you can use your voice to use your iPhone. Just talk to Siri as you would to a person: “Do I need an umbrella?” or “Any great burgers around here?” or “Where’s the closest ATM?” Siri not only understands what you say, it knows what you mean.1 It figures out the right apps to use to find the right answer. Then, just like a personal assistant, it answers you. Siri makes phone calls, sends messages, schedules meetings, sets reminders, and more.
miercuri, 18 ianuarie 2012
A 6-a zi de proteste in Romania
Romanii din marile orase ale tarii au protestat si miercuri, pentru a sasea zi consecutiv
Cel mai interesant slogan, din punctul meu de vedere, a fost cel cu mesajul: "Va rugam sa ne scuzati, nu producem cat furati.", dar din pacate acest slogan s-ar aplica aproape intregii clase politice din Romania nu numai actualului partid aflat la guvernare.
In Bucuresti, mitingul s-a incheiat putin inainte de miezul noptii, fara incidente majore, iar in celelalte orase protestatarii au plecat in jurul orelor 22:00.
In Bucuresti oamenii au inceput sa se stranga deja de la orele pranzului, in Piata Universitatii.
Dupa lasarea serii, doleantele protestatarilor s-au inmultit si au devenit din ce in ce mai diverse.
Se pare ca reprezentantii Asociatiei Suporterilor din Romania (ASR) au declarat pentru NewsIn faptul ca se vor alatura protestelor din Piata Universitatii si isi dau intalnire joi la 18:00, pentru un miting pasnic si apolitic.
marți, 17 ianuarie 2012
Samsung smart window
Samsung smart window
Samsung smart window este probabil cea mai modernă invenţie cu care aţi putea înlocui vechile ferestre ale locuinţei.
Creaţia faimosului producător de ecrane LCD combină plăcutul cu utilul, înlocuind banalul geam termopan cu un ecran LCD transparent cu funcţie tactilă.
Samsung smart window is probably the most modern invention that you could replace the old windows of the house.
Creation famous LCD screens manufacturer combines business and leisure, replacing double glazing with a trivial transparent LCD screen with touch function.
Grecii râd de protestele noastre
Demonstraţiile violente din ultimele zile ne-au atras ironii acide din partea Greciei, ţara unde o manifestaţie care se soldează cu mai puţin de 100 de morţi este considerată o demonstraţie paşnică. Într-o scrisoare deschisă către bucureşteni, ziaristul elen Marcos Necastrates se întreabă retoric ce dracu e în capul nostru: „Păi aia e violenţă la voi? Dar cine organizează protestele la voi, UNICEF-ul?”
Cotidianul atenian „Logos” merge mai departe şi îi acuză pe protestatarii români de complicitate cu jandarmii, pentru că nu au reuşit să distrugă mai nimic centrul capitalei: „Protestatarii români n-au distrus mai nimic prin centrul Bucureştiului, de parcă erau nişte hippioţi gay care nu aveau chef să-şi strice unghiile. Cu greu jandarmii lor au ales câţiva protestatari mai drăguţi şi i-au băgat în nişte dube, probabil ca să-i mai fardeze puţin, că arătau ca dracu. ”
Şi televiziunea naţională din Grecia a difuzat luni un reportaj despre evenimentele de la Bucureşti, însă l-a difuzat în matinalul de la ora 10, în locul desenelor animate. Din reportaj reiese că manifestanţii români au venit la proteste cum te duci la o nuntă, doar că ceva mai paşnic: „În Grecia ies în stradă minim zece mii şi se întorc acasă maxim 8500, asta dacă au noroc! La români abia s-au strâns vreo 1500, ca să ce? Doar ca să scrie PACE cu rujul pe trotuar? Pentru 30 de răniţi şi patru băncuţe rupte erau suficienţi o grecoaică divorțată şi vreo trei copii de şcoală.”
Proteste ianuarie 2012
În a patra zi de proteste, jandarmii au reţinut 113 persoane, unele înarmate cu bastoane telescopice, lanţuri şi pietre, iar o maşină a fost incendiată. Purtătorul de cuvânt al MAI a declarat că, la nivel naţional au protestat 7.900 de persoane, dintre care peste 900 în Capitală.
Peste 300 de oameni au protestat, luni, la Târgovişte, împotriva preşedintelui Traian Băsescu şi a guvernului Boc. Ei au scandat "Ieşi afară, javră ordinară", "Jos Băsescu" şi "Băse, nu uita, va veni şi ziua ta".
Principalele nemulţumiri ale locuitorilor din Târgovişte sunt legate de educaţie şi tăierile de pensii şi salarii.
O femeie a adus cu ea o colivă, despre care spune că este pentru preşedintele Traian Băsescu. "Cum l-am pus în fruntea ţării, aşa îl dăm şi jos", a explicat ea.
Unii protestatari au dat foc unor fotografii cu Băsescu "costumat" în puşcăriaş. "Un pitic şi cu un chior îşi bat joc de popor", a explicat un alt locuitor din Târgovişte cum stă situaţia în fruntea ţării.
vineri, 13 ianuarie 2012
Washing machine programed by phone
Masina de spalat pe care o programezi de pe telefon
Daca spalatul rufelor este o corvoada, afla ca acum viata iti va deveni mai usoara. Samsung a lansat masina de spalat care poate fi programata cu ajutorul telefonului. Oriunde ai fi, pot porni masina de spalat prin smartphone astfel incat, atunci cand ajung acasa, sa scot direct rufele din cuva pentru a le usca.
Masina de spalat inteligenta se numeste WF457, are incarcare frontala si capacitate foarte mare de aproximativ 20 kg. Prin intermediul unei aplicatii pentru smartphone-uri, utilizatorii pot monitoriza ciclul de spalare selectat, timpul ramas si alertele de oprire, precum si porni sau opri masina de oriunde din casa. Aceasta functie reprezinta un mare beneficiu pentru mamele ocupate care alearga dintr-o parte in alta a casei, incercand sa estimeze cand se termina programul.
Sistemul Smart Care de la Samsung elimina nevoia unui manual de utilizare, deoarece identifica singur problemele masinii de spalat si trimite o alterta pe smartphone-ul utilizatorilor.
Modelul prezinta cel mai mare ecran tactil color LCD de 8 inch din industrie – pe cat de intuitiv, pe atat de stilat - pentru o selectare a ciclului de spalare cat mai usoara.
Masina de spalat WF457 este primul model de la Samsung dotat cu tehnologia Water Shot, care elibereaza un jet de apa cu detergent dizolvat, urmat apoi de un alt jet de apa pentru dubla performanta la clatire. Astfel, cliclul de spalare va fi cu 25% mai scurt decat cel al masinilor de spalat conventionale.
Material preluat de pe yoda.ro
Washing machine programed by phone
If laundry is a chore, now find that your life will become easier. Samsung has introduced washing machines can be programmed with your phone. Wherever you can start washing the smartphone so that when I get home, to live out the laundry from the drum to dry them.
Washer WF457 intelligence is called, is very large capacity front loading and about 20 kg. Through an application for smartphones, users can monitor the wash cycle, the remaining time off and alerts, and start or stop the car from anywhere in the house. This function is a great benefit to busy moms that run from side to side of the house, trying to estimate when the program ends.
Samsung's Smart Care System eliminates the need for a manual, because only identify problems and send a washing machine on alterta smartphone users.
The model presents the greatest color LCD touch screen 8 inch in the industry - as intuitive as it is stylish - a selection as easy as washing cycle.
WF457 washing machine is the first model from Samsung comes with Water Shot technology, which releases a jet of water with dissolved detergent, followed by another double water jet rinsing performance. Thus, washing cliclul will be 25% shorter than that of conventional washing machines.
CES Best of Innovations 2012
Premiul CES Best of Innovations s-a dus la cei de la Samsung, care au prezentat televizorul Super OLED de 55 inch, un model care are imaginii cu adevarat vii, atat in 2D, cat si in 3D, cu o acuratete a culorii imbunatatita fata de LED.
Televizorul are asa-numita Smart Interaction, o functie prin care utilizatorii pot porni sau opri televizorul, ajusta volumul sau activa aplicatii doar prin folosirea unor gesturi ale mainii, a comenzilor vocale si a recunoasterii faciale. Acestia pot folosi vocea si pentru a activa functia de cautare din browserul web, dar si pentru a-i „spune” televizorului ce anume sa caute.
Camera HD incorporata recunoaste miscarea din prim plan, pentru a permite control intuitiv, iar doua microfoane uni-directionale recunosc vocea cu maxima acuratete. Tehnologia de anulare a zgomotului ajuta la separarea sunetelor de fundal de comenzile utilizatorilor.
CES Best of Innovations Award went to the people at Samsung, who have 55 inch OLED TV Super, a model image truly has come, both in 2D and 3D, with improved color accuracy from LED .
TV has so-called Smart Interaction, a feature that users can start or stop the TV, adjust the volume or activate applications just by using hand gestures, voice commands and facial recognition. They can use voice and to enable web browser search function, but also to "tell" what to look for TV.
Built-in HD camera recognizes movement in the foreground to allow the intuitive control, and two uni-directional microphones with high accuracy recognize the voice. Noise canceling technology helps separate background sound commands users.
Walking robot
CES 2012: Robotul care merge pe bicicleta fara sa-si piarda echilibrul si un Optimus Prime politicos
Inventiile tehnologice de la CES 2012 nu se limiteaza la gadgeturi, ci merg si spre sectorul roboticii. Doua companii asiatice au prezentat doi roboti foarte avansati.
Dezvoltat de Murata Manufacturing Co., Murata Boy este un robot humanoid care este capabil sa mearga pe bicicleta. Nu are unelte ajutatoare sau alte puncte de sprijin in afara de cele doua roti. Cu toate acestea, robotul isi mentine un echilibru perfect in timp ce merge pe bicicleta inainte sau inapoi.
Inventia a aparut la CES alaturi de Murata Girl. "Fata" stie insa sa mearga pe uniciclu, roseste si isi inclica capul.
La cateva standuri departare cei de la TP-Link au prezentat robotul dansator. Un colos de peste 2 metri inaltime, care este foarte prietenos, politicos si saluta pe toata lumea din preajma sa. Cand "aude" muzica in preajma, incepe sa danseze.
Material preluat de pe stirileprotv.ro
CES 2012: The robot who cycle without losing balance and a polite Optimus Prime
CES 2012 technology inventions are not limited to gadgets, but goes to robotics sector also. Two Asian companies have presented two very advanced robots.
Murata Manufacturing Co. developed., Humanoid robot Murata Boy is one that is able to ride a bike. It has helpful tools and other points of support outside of the two wheels. However, the robot maintains a perfect balance while riding the bike forward or backward.
The invention came to CES with Murata Girl. "Girl" known but to go on uniciclu, blushes and covered their heads.
A few stands away from the TP-Link has introduced the robot dancer. A colossus of over 2 meters high, which is very friendly, polite and greet everyone around him. When you "hear" music around, starts to dance.
Material taken from stirileprotv.ro
joi, 12 ianuarie 2012
Panasonic 3D
Panasonic Corporation North America (NYSE:PC) vine la la ediţia din acest an a Consumer Electronics ShowCES,cel mai important târg internaţional de tehnologie, ce are loc în această perioadă la Las Vegas, cu noua gamă de televizoare VIERA Full HD 3D HDTV şi playere Full HD 3D Blu-ray.
Dintre cele 17 modele din gama 2012 de televizoare cu plasmă, 16 sunt 3D, în timp ce cinci din cele 14 televizoare LED/LCD HDTV lansate la CES 2012 au funcţii 3D. În acelaşi timp, Panasonic a lansat două noi ecrane LED cu diagonală mare - de 47 şi, respectiv, 55 inci. Patru dintre cele şase playere Blu-ray din gama pentru 2012 sunt Full HD 3D.
La standul Panasonic este prezentată şi camera AG-3DA1, prima cameră video din industrie complet integrată 3D, cu înregistrare pe carduri de memorie SD, care a fost folosită în timpul ultimei călătorii a navetei spaţiale NASA şi este utilizată în mod frecvent la evenimente sportive şi alte producţii 3D pentru televiziune. Panasonic a lansat recent şi proiectorul Full HD 3D home theater, PT-AE7000U.
Acesta este primul proiector 3D din lume care utilizează panouri LCD transparente operate la 480Hz şi tehnologia Overdrive Technology care contribuie la reducerea semnificativă a interferenţelor 3D. Recent, Panasonic a inaugurat 3D Innovation Center, la Hollywood, în cadrul PHL, din dorinţa de a se implica şi mai mult în activitatea comunităţilor de divertisment şi emisii TV pentru a îmbunătăţi tehnologiile de producţie 3D şi de a colabora cu partenerii din industrie pentru a dezvolta noi aplicaţii pentru tehnologii 3D.
"Avatar a deschis ochii către experienţa imersivă şi captivantă pe care o oferă o producţie 3D acasă" a menţionat într-un comunicat Eisuke Tsuyzaki, Panasonic Corporation North America Chief Technology Officer.
Ediţia din acest an a celui mai important târg internaţional de tehnologie are loc între 10 şi 13 ianuare.
Panasonic Corporation North America (NYSE: PC) comes with the new range of VIERA Full HD 3D TV and HDTV Players 3D Full HD Blu-ray.
Of the 17 models from 2012 plasma TVs, 16 are 3D, while five of the 14 TVs LED / LCD HDTV at CES 2012 have launched 3D functions. Meanwhile, Panasonic has launched two new LED screens with diagonal high - 47, respectively, 55 inches. Four of the six Blu-ray range in 2012 as Full HD 3D.
The Panasonic booth is presented AG-3DA1 room, the first fully integrated camera 3D industry, recording on SD memory cards, which was used during the last journey of NASA space shuttle and is commonly used in sporting events other 3D productions for television. Panasonic recently launched its 3D Full HD home theater projector, PT-AE7000U.
This is the first 3D projector in the world using transparent LCD panels operate at 480Hz and Technology Overdrive technology that significantly reduces 3D interference. Recently, Panasonic 3D Innovation Center opened in Hollywood, in the PHL, the desire to be more involved in community activities and entertainment TV broadcasts to improve the 3D production technologies and collaborate with industry partners to develop new applications for 3D technology.
"Avatar has opened my eyes to experience immersive and captivating production that provides a 3D home," said Eisuke Tsuyzaki a press release, Panasonic Corporation North America Chief Technology Officer.
This year the most important international exhibition of technology takes place between 10 and 13 January.
Intel intră pe piaţa telefoniei mobile. Cum va reuşi compania să atace o piaţă dominată de procesoare ARM
Intel Corporation şi Motorola Mobility au anunţat, în cadrul târgului de tehnologie Consumer Electronics Show 2012 (CES), semnarea unui parteneriat strategic pentru realizarea de telefoane mobile bazate pe procesoare Intel Atom şi platformă Android. Terminalele vor fi disponibile în a doua jumătate a anului 2012, prima piaţă pe care compania intră fiind China.
Conform oficialilor companiei, colaborarea dintre Intel şi Motorola se va face la nivel de hardware, software şi servicii, prin care vor încerca să pună la dispoziţia clienţilor produse performante, cu o durată de viaţă mare a bateriei, o performanţă ridicată şi conexiune wireless avansată.
"Atunci când siliciul de cea mai bună calitate şi tehnologiile software se întâlnesc cu echipamente mobile şi design-uri de produs inedite, se întâmplă lucruri uimitoare. Parteneriatul de lungă durată cu Motorola Mobility ajută la accelerarea integrării arhitecturii Intel în segmentul de piaţă al echipamentelor mobile. Ne aşteptăm ca această colaborare să conducă la stabilirea unor noi standarde şi la oferirea unor capabilităţi de computing performante în materie de smartphone-uri şi tablet PC-uri, creând astfel noi experienţe şi îmbunătăţind modul în care oamenii relaţionează, indiferent de locaţia acestora", a declarat într-un comunicat Paul Otellini, Intel President şi CEO.
Intel Corporation and Motorola Mobility have announced, at the Technology Fair 2012 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), that they signed a strategic partnership for the development of mobile phones based on Intel Atom and Android platform. Terminals will be available in the second half of 2012, the first market the company enter the China.
According to company officials, the collaboration between Intel and Motorola will be at the level of hardware, software and services, which will attempt to provide customers high performance products with a long battery life, high performance and advanced wireless connectivity.
"When the highest quality silicon and software technologies to meet mobile devices and novel product designs, amazing things happen. Partnership with Motorola Mobility lasting help accelerate the integration architecture in the Intel market share of mobile equipment . We expect that this collaboration will lead to setting new standards and providing high performance computing capabilities on smartphones and tablet PCs, creating new experiences and improving the way people relate to, regardless of their location ", said in a statement Paul Otellini, Intel president and CEO.
Lenovo IdeaPad
Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga este un laptop elegant, creat pentru viitorul sistem de operare Windows 8.
Ceea ce deosebeşte acest laptop de alternativele concurenţei nu este ecranul touch capacitiv cu finisaj din sticlă minerală, ci modul în care acesta poate fi deschis la un unghi de 360° pentru a fi pliat de spatele carcasei, astfel încât să obţinem funcţionalitatea unei tablete.
La o greutate de 1.4 Kg şi 1.7 cm grosime cu siguranţă nu va fi cea mai confortabilă tabletă de pe piaţă, însă pentru un laptop cu ecran de 13.3 inch această abilitate este oricum binevenită.
În ceea ce priveşte rolul de laptop, IdeaPad Yoga are destul de multe de oferit: un restpad cu finisaj din piele, touchpad de dimensiuni generoase şi o tastatură de tip chiclet cu butoane mari şi bine diferenţiate.
Sub bariera din sticlă minerală ce acoperă inclusiv rama ecranului se ascunde un panou cu rezoluţie 1600 x 900 pixeli, iluminat cu tehnologie LED. Interfaţa touch capacitivă suportă gesturi multi-touch cu până la 10 degete simultan, iar procesorul Intel Core i7 de sub capotă oferă garanţia unor performanţe optime la rularea aplicaţiilor
Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga laptop is a stylish, created for the future of Windows 8.
What distinguishes this laptop touch screen alternatives competition is not capacitive mineral glass finish, but how it can be opened at an angle of 360 ° to be folded back side, so to get the functionality of a tablet.
At a weight of 1.4 kg and 1.7 cm thick will certainly not be the most convenient tablet on the market, but for a laptop with 13.3-inch screen this ability is still welcome.
Regarding the role of laptops, IdeaPad Yoga has quite a lot to offer: a restpad leather finish, generously sized touchpad and chiclet keyboard with large buttons type and well differentiated.
Under the barrier of mineral glass covering the screen including frame hides a panel with 1600 x 900 pixel resolution, LED lighting technology. Capacitive touch interface supports multi-touch gestures with up to 10 fingers simultaneously, and Intel Core i7 under the hood provides the guarantee of optimal performance when running applications
MacBook Air
Intel Core i5 and i7 processors. Performance that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
Both the 11- and 13-inch MacBook Air now feature the latest generation of Intel processors, the Core i5 and i7. With speeds up to 1.8GHz and faster memory, the new MacBook Air gains up to 2.5x the processing performance over the previous generation.1 MacBook Air also features the Intel HD Graphics 3000 processor, which includes an on-chip engine for video encoding and decoding. That means you experience video playback and FaceTime calls that are smoother, more responsive, and more true to life.
With one port, MacBook Air gives you access to a world of high-speed peripherals capable of transferring data up to 12 times faster than FireWire 800 and up to 20 times faster than USB 2.0. Or use the Thunderbolt port to connect the new Apple Thunderbolt Display and transform your ultracompact MacBook Air into a complete desktop workstation. Power over 4 million eye-popping pixels while enjoying some major benefits: Gigabit Ethernet, FireWire 800, an additional Thunderbolt port, three USB ports, a FaceTime HD camera, 2.1 stereo sound, and a built-in microphone. The display even charges your MacBook Air, so there’s no need to unpack and unravel your power adapter. With two quick connections — the MagSafe power cord and the Thunderbolt cable — you’re up and running in seconds. Unplug them, and you’re on your way just as fast.
All-flash storage. Instant-on gratification.
Devices like iPhone and iPad have already demonstrated the advantages of flash storage: reliability, speed, and efficiency. So the decision to use flash storage in an ultracompact notebook like MacBook Air made perfect sense. With flash, your computer starts up in almost no time and accesses data quickly. Flash also gives MacBook Air the astonishing ability to remain in standby mode for up to 30 days.3 Which means your MacBook Air snaps to in an instant, whether you open it tomorrow, next week, or next month.
Multi-Touch trackpad. It goes hand in hand with OS X Lion.
The Multi-Touch gestures in OS X Lion make everything you do on MacBook Air more intuitive, direct, and fun. And the spacious Multi-Touch trackpad is perfectly designed for them, whether it’s a three-finger swipe to activate Mission Control or a four-finger pinch to see all your apps in Launchpad. Gesture responses in Lion are smooth and realistic. So when you’re scrolling up and down a web page or swiping from one full-screen app to another, it’s almost like you’re touching what you’re seeing.
The information above was copied from the official website "apple.ca"
Apple TV
A lot of entertainment. In a very little box.
With Apple TV, everything you want to watch — movies, photo slideshows and more — plays wirelessly on your widescreen TV. No managing storage. No syncing to your iTunes library. HD movies from iTunes and Netflix play over the Internet on your HDTV, and music and photos stream from your computer. All you have to do is click and watch.
Apple TV features a powerful A4 chip, so it plays everything effortlessly, without frozen screens or stutters. Videos look crisp and clear. And just like watching a DVD, you can fast-forward through opening credits, pause for a popcorn break, or replay a hilarious scene until you memorize every line.
Apple TV is quiet, energy efficient and so small it fits in the palm of your hand. Which makes it perfect for sitting neatly on a TV stand or squeezing into a crowded media cabinet. And when it’s not filling your living room with drama, romance and comedy, it uses less power than a night-light.
Silent, cool and small.
Apple TV is quiet, energy efficient and so small it fits just about anywhere.
Intuitive interface.
Cruise through the simple Apple TV menus with the sleek, aluminum Apple Remote, included with every Apple TV. Choose from Movies, Podcasts, Photos, Internet and Settings menus with a click. The Apple TV interface takes full advantage of your widescreen TV, making it clear and easy to find whatever entertainment you’re in the mood for.
Get connected with Apple TV.
Setting up Apple TV is about as simple as it gets. Just plug the power cord into the wall and connect Apple TV to your widescreen TV using an HDMI cable (sold separately). Since everything streams wirelessly to Apple TV using your Wi-Fi network, that’s all you need. Well, that and a comfy couch.
The information above was copied from the official website "apple.ca"
iPad 2
Thin. Light. Fully loaded.
Two cameras for FaceTime and HD video recording. The dual-core A5 chip. 10-hour battery life.1 Over 200 new software features in iOS 5. And iCloud. All in a remarkably thin, light design. There’s so much to iPad, it’s amazing there’s so little of it.
Technology so advanced,you’ll forget it’s even there.
When you pick up iPad, it becomes an extension of you. That’s the idea behind its innovative design. It’s just 8.8mm thin and weighs as little as 601g, so it feels completely comfortable in your hands.2 And it makes surfing the web, checking email, watching movies and reading books so natural, you’ll wonder why you ever did it any other way.
Battery life keeps on going. So you can, too.
Even with such a thin, light design, iPad has an incredible 10-hour battery life.1 That’s enough juice for one flight across the ocean, or one movie-watching all-nighter, or a week’s commute across town. Because iPad hardware and software are made for each other, the power-efficient A5 chip works with the iOS software to keep battery life from fading away.
Two cameras. And a big hello to FaceTime for iPad.
You’ll see two cameras on iPad — one on the front and one on the back. They may be tiny, but they’re a big deal. They’re designed for FaceTime video calling, and they work together so you can talk to your favourite people and see them smile and laugh back at you.3 The front camera puts you and your friend face-to-face. Switch to the back camera during your video call to share where you are, who you’re with, or what’s going on around you. When you’re not using FaceTime, let the back camera roll if you see something movie-worthy. It’s HD, so whatever you shoot is a mini-masterpiece. And you can take wacky snapshots in Photo Booth. It’s the most fun a face can have.
iOS 5. The world’s most advanced mobile operating system.
iOS is the operating system for iPad. And it lets you see and do everything just by touching the screen. It includes all the powerful, innovative and fun built-in apps you use every day, many times a day. It’s the platform for which more than 140,000 other amazing iPad apps have been created to take advantage of the large Multi-Touch screen. And now with over 200 new features in iOS 5 — including Newsstand, iMessage and Notification Center — iOS is yet another reason no other device comes close to iPad.
The information above was copied from the official website "apple.ca"
iPhone 4S
Dual-core A5 chip.
The most powerful iPhone processor ever.
Two cores in the A5 chip deliver up to two times more power and up to seven times faster graphics.1 And you’ll feel the effects. Fast. iPhone 4S is quick and responsive, which makes all the difference when you’re launching apps, browsing the web, gaming and doing just about everything. And no matter what you're doing, you can keep on doing it. Because the A5 chip is so power-efficient, iPhone 4S has outstanding battery life.
Video recording. In 1080p amazing HD.
See it in action
Shoot stunning 1080p HD video everywhere you go. With all-new optics, the light is always right, the colour is always vivid and everything will look even better than you remember. Video stabilization steadies shaky shots. And you can edit video right on iPhone and share your lush life as fast as you shoot.
Retina display.
Clearly remarkable.
The sharpest, most vibrant thing you’ll see on iPhone 4S is everything. The Retina display is the highest-resolution phone screen ever. In fact, the pixel density is so high that the human eye is unable to distinguish individual pixels. But without a doubt, you’ll notice crisp text, sharp graphics and stunning images. It’s more remarkable than the printed page. And you’ll be completely absorbed.
iCloud. Your content. On all your devices.
iCloud is the easiest way to manage all your stuff, because it manages it all for you. iCloud stores your music, photos, apps, mail, contacts, calendars, documents and more. And wirelessly pushes them to all your devices. It’s automatic, effortless and seamless. And it just works
FaceTime. It’s even better face-to-face.
FaceTime lets you hear a voice and see the face that goes with it — iPhone to iPhone, iPad 2, iPod touch, or Mac over Wi-Fi.4 So no matter where they are, no matter where you are, you’ll always be there. Making a FaceTime call is just as easy as making a phone call. You’ll never miss a big event, an important meeting, or a good laugh.
The information above was copied from the official website "apple.ca"
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